WEEK 1: May 21-May 24 2019: Grad ceremony prep (choir), sightreading/small groups (band), celebration class if missed, drama productions/media arts awards/etc. 
WEEK 2: May 27-May 31 2019:  Grad ceremony prep (choir), sightreading/small groups (band), **NEW Rhythm Dictation Test, Conducting Test, Sightreading Test
WEEK 3: June 3-June 7 2019: ALL small group performances band starting Monday!
SR JAZZ-Group 1 Beatitudes, Group 2 All For One, Group 3 Sweet Georgia Brown
**NEW Rhythm Dictation Test, Conducting Test, Sightreading Test
WEEK 4: June 10-June 14 2019: **NEW Rhythm Dictation Test, Conducting Test, Sightreading Test
NEW---Cleaning instruments and year and wrap up-dedicate one class to organizing music, and dedicate one class to instrument cleaning. The instrument cleaning class is when inventory stuff gets done.
ALL choir small group performances June 10-11. Instrument cleaning and music collection tests. All students should receive a high mark for this assignment because if it's not ready I will tell you and you will have another class to still fix any issues. We'll have lots of cleaning supplies plus a vacuum to use in your case. Music collecting/organizing/highlighting on large fold out tables. Instrument inventory update and return instruments. Label all instruments with serial #/school name etc with silver highlighter.
All rented South instruments go in one pile. Music store will go through pile and take those instruments needing further cleaning/repair. 
WEEK 5:  Tuesday June 18 (DAY 2) AND Wednesday June 19 2019 (DAY 1) (Last day of classes)

Short music performance (8 mins.) in the theatre for grade 7s

Last week of school: Clean up , organize scores and percussion equipment etc.